ashtanga, free yoga, outdoors, patanjali, sutras, yoga, yoga classes, yoga teacher

Free Outdoor Yoga Classes

The novice to hatha yoga may attend yoga classes to gain flexibility. Yet after the development of a consistent yoga practice, one may find that the asanas prepares you to become in tune with the physical body, control the breath (pranayama) and stop the sensations of the mind (Dharana).

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (a Hindu scripture & foundational text of Yoga), one can find a detailed explanation of the path of a yogi / yogini. The Yoga Sutras form the theoretical & philosophical basis of Raja Yoga, and are considered to be the most organized and complete definition of Raja Yoga.

Hatha Yoga is A door to Raja Yoga.

Since 5000 BC, yogis & yoginis have sprouted in many lands, belonging to various religious beliefs, and varied in economic status, sexual orientations, and personal challenges. Similar to the Noble Eightfold path of Buddhism, the Ashtanga Yoga – Eight Fold Path has provided a guideline for the development of the yogi / yogini.

The eight limbs work together: The first five steps are the preliminaries of yoga and build the foundation for spiritual life. The last three, are concerned with reconditioning the mind.

  • Yama is social behavior, how you treat others. These are moral principles. Sometimes they are refered to as the “thou shalt nots.”
  • Niyama is inner discipline & responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are sometimes refered to as the “do’s, or the thou shalts.”
  • Asana prepares the body for meditation.
  • Pranayama purifies and removes distractions from the mind making it easier to concentrate and meditate.
  • Pratyahara is removal of the senses. Concentration, in the yoga studio or the streets, is a battle with distracting senses. When you master pratyahara, you are able to focus because you no longer feel the itch on the tip of your nose or hear the bee buzzing by your ear or smell the coffee brewing in the kitchen.
  • Dharana
  • Dharana involves teaching the mind to focus on one point or image (such as a candle flame, dripping water, or a mantra.
  • Dhyana is uninterrupted meditation without an object. The calm achieved in meditation spills over into all aspects of your life — during a hectic day at the office, shopping for a party, coordinating your vacation in Madrid, Spain.
  • Samadhi is the ultimate goal of Pantajali’s Eightfold Path is samadhi (absolute bliss, utopia , nirvana, heaven, etc.). Those who have achieved samadhi are enlightened.

With my yoga students, I have repeatedly stressed developing the ability to become focused & not be moved by external forces. I encourage them to remove the influences of smell, touch, sound, vision and taste so that “one can see roses where there are roses & thorns where there are thorns.” I invite them to develop a state of pratyahara.

And if you’ve attended one of my yoga classes you know that not only do I teach my students but also, I test my students. Regularly, I test my students on the sanskrit names of asanas. And now, once again,, I invite you to join us (each Sunday in August) as we challenge our minds.

Free Yoga at Pier 39

Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Location: The Embarcadero & North Point Streets [map]
Time: 11:00am.
Yoga Teacher: Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Tony Eason
Cost: Free
B.Y.O.M. – Bring your own mat (or some durable feet).
B.Y.L. – Bring a bag lunch (to share) for after the yoga class.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

Free Yoga at City Hall

Date: Sunday, 08 August 2010
Location: Meet: on the steps of City Hall – [map]
Time: 11:00am.
Yoga Teacher: Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Tony Eason
Cost: Free
B.Y.O.M. – Bring your own mat (or some durable feet).
B.Y.L. – Bring a bag lunch (to share) for after the yoga class.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

Free Yoga at Ocean Beach

Date: Sunday, 15 August 2010
Location: Meet: at the Java Beach Cafe[map]
Time: 11:00am.
Yoga Teacher: Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Tony Eason
Cost: Free
B.Y.O.B.T.. – Bring your own beach towel (or some durable feet).
B.Y.L. – Bring a bag lunch (to share) for after the yoga class.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

Free Yoga in Golden Gate Park

Date: Sunday, 22 August 2010
Location: Meet: at the Speedway Meadows – [map]
Time: 11:00am.
Yoga Teacher: Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Tony Eason
Cost: Free
B.Y.O.M. – Bring your own mat (or some durable feet).
B.Y.L. – Bring a bag lunch (to share) for after the yoga class.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

*Bookmark & keep an eye on this web page for updates, cancellations, & unforeseen changes in times and locations.

Together, through the practice of Yoga, we can better ourselves & our community.

Iyengar Yoga Classes with Tony  Eason

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