aids, aidslifecycle, oprah winfrey

A Thank You to Oprah Winfrey

During one’s life, there are moments which touch the heart. There are moments which inspire us to continue with our paths, dreams, goals, and intentions. And there are moments which confirm our “humane actions.”

Several years ago, as I watched television, I witnessed a severe act of kindness.

A woman who was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi., raised on a farm, a victum of physical and mental abuse, who ran away at 13 (only to be turned away from a juvenile detention home), walked on national televison and told an audience of single parent mothers, “pack your bags and call the babysitter because we’re going on a vacation to Philadephpia.”

The women in the audience had devoted their entire lives to raising their children. Most of these single parent mothers hadn’t had a minute to rest since the conception of their children. Most of these women worked to pay the babysitter. And I’m sure that a majority of these women could use some rest.

Well, since then, the acts of kindness and compassion have continued.

This abuse survivor initiated a campaign to establish a national database of convicted child abusers. She has been a big player in the literary industry. She encourages others to take one small step to make a difference in the lives of children. She has provided a better education for underserved students. And, she encourages victims of abuse to “speak out.”

And more recently, Oprah Winfrey has again touched my heart and reconfirmed that I’m walking the right path by educating her viewers about the HIV – AIDS Pandemic. Check out her latest: Magic Johnson and The New Faces of AIDS In American

So please remember:
It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through . . ..
It doesn’t matter what your age, creed, sexual orientation, economic status, or location is ..
It doesn’t matter what “you think.”
It only matters what “you do.”

So see what you can do – “Today!”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Iyengar Yoga Classes with Tony Eason
