
Sports Basement – AIDS LifeCycle Sponsor

Lucky, I get most of my gear from Clif Bar, Soulcraft Bikes, and Fat Tire Beer. However, when I need something else, my first stop will be “Sports Basement.”

Click here for more info - Sports Basement, San Francisco

Sports Basement is a supporter in the fight against AIDS with it’s generous sponsorship to AIDS LifeCycle

Sports Basement offers various sports clinics ranging from yoga to cycling to rock climbing to camping ….

Sports Basement hires “San Francisco Locals” (some of which are my friends).

So, Support organizations which support the community, educate the community, and hires from the community.

Sports Basement …..you guys ROCK!

Wishing the best of all possible worlds,
9th Year, AIDS LifeCycle Cyclist,
Iyengar yoga teacher,
tony eason

An invitation to Oprah Winfrey, Harpo Productions & The Oprah Winfrey Show