
Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Road Cyclist, Marathon Newbie = Yoga – Bike – Run

I believe that World History is a reflection of the thoughts, actions and words, of Human Beings. Therefore, I have chosen to be a positive addition to History. And, I strive to live a non- violent (ahimsa) and empowering way of life. [However, I’m not a saint/far from perfect].  [Check out my blog]

California AIDS Ride - AIDSLifecycle

2,500 Cyclist, 4oo Crew Members, 545 miles, 7 days on a bike – San Francisco to Los Angeles

View AIDSLifeCycle – AIDS Ride in a larger map

In June 2012, for my 15th Year, I will participate in an event to benefit the S.F. AIDS Foundation called AIDSLifeCycle. Each year, I bike 575 miles (from S.F to L.A, CA.). And, I complete the ride knowing I did the right thing.  [ AIDSLifecycle 2012]

San Francisco Marathon 2012

After fourteen, 545 mile bike rides from San Francisco to Los Angeles with the AIDSLifecycle / AIDS Ride Event, I’ve realized that life has become “routine.”
Therefore, I have decided to “step out of the box” and throw something into the mix.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch as road cyclist, Tony Eason (not the football player) puts on his new balance minimus and trains to become a San Francisco marathon runner

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